Most homes today have backup generators considering the many benefits of having one. While choosing the location for backup generators is rather straightforward, there are a few factors that should be taken into consideration before the installation is done. In most cases, you need to hire a professional generator installer since generator installation requires a certain degree of expertise. Before you even begin installing whole house generators or an emergency generator, consult the local building code authority and get the necessary approvals and permit. Getting a permit is important and vary from one state to the other. However, the local building code authority has the final say on whether the installation will be approved. After the approvals, identify a good location that enables the equipment to operate effectively without putting the life of those in the house at risk. When installing standby generators, choose an outdoor location that has stable ground that is potentially not prone to flooding. Of importance to consider also is that these equipment produce carbon monoxide which is potentially deadly.
Generator Placement
When carrying out generator installation destin, you can minimize the cost of installation by ensuring that the placement is close to an existing electrical service entrance. However, the placement should not be too close to the electrical service. Electrical and gas utility services have specific requirements regarding the placement of their equipment and those from other companies. Most generator installers are aware of such requirements and will guide you on finding the perfect placement for your generator. The local code authority can also assist in establishing the right placement for certain types of standby generators. For example, there is a specific minimum distance that is required between propane backup generators and the tanks fill valve. However, this requirement can vary depending on the locality.
What to Consider
Basic installation requirements for standby generators are that the placement should be in a position where the exhaust is blown away from the house by wind. It is also important that the the equipment is not placed close to bedrooms or the living area where noise pollution might be a problem. It is important that the placement should be at least five feet from any openings such as doorways, windows or vents. Considering that these equipment emit carbon monoxide gas which is harmful, placing them in places that might allow gases to accumulate over time is putting yourself and your family at risk. While most of the professional advice regarding installation of standby generators might come from an installer, knowing what you should and should not do is important. It is considered that you know your home better which is why you are the best person to choose the perfect location for placement.