For many of us, it may feel like the extent of your involvement with your electrical system is calling your lighting contractor every once and a while and slightly more frequently changing a lightbulb. The fact is that issues with electrical wiring can cause a host of problems within your home, some of which can be life threatening. It’s vital to know when to call an electrician and how to prevent these problems, for your safety and the safety of any in the surrounding area, especially within your home.
When To Call A Professional Electrician
Firstly, it’s ill … advised to attempt to install any electrical wiring on your own without a lighting contractor. Not only is that dangerous, but you could possibly end up wasting money by installing wiring that will have to be repaired or replaced, or by installing it in a way that produces less efficient results. In general, you should call a lighting contractor whenever you notice your lights sparking or flickering erratically, or failing in a continuous, unexplained fashion. If you have any doubts, call a professional electrician; your lighting and electricity is not something you want to handle on your own.
Here are some of the reasons why:
Electrical Problems Account For A Large Number Of House Fires
Going without proper electrical repairs can have horrifying results. It’s estimated that 47,700 house fires in America resulted from electrical malfunction or failure. In fact, wiring and similar equipment were the causes of 63% — the largest amount … of house fires involving electricity or lighting. As such, you might want to ask your electrician about arc … fault circuit interrupters on bedroom circuits and installing smoke detectors in all bedrooms and hallways.
Wiring Issues Are Often Linked To Electrocution
The Consumer Product Safety Commission advises that ground fault circuit interrupts should be installed to prevent electrocutions. They could in fact prevent two … thirds of the 300 that occur every year. Electrocution can cause burn … related injuries and even death, as well as severe and continuing health problems.
Even if you are aware of the dangers of house fires and electrocutions, you should still make sure that you stay on top of maintaining your home’s electrical wiring.
Wiring Can Be Especially Faulty In Older Homes
Even well … installed wiring is not meant to last forever. Many electrical problems are linked to old age and a lack of maintenance. It’s recommended that you have your home’s wiring inspected if it is 10 years old or older, especially if it’s had major renovations or new appliances added.
Ultimately, avoiding issues with electrical wiring is simple. You just have to be aware and vigilant, with a good electrician on hand!