So you bought that relic on Oak Street. Everyone advised you against it–the paint was chipping, there were rumors of termites in the foundation, and the curb appeal called to mind a fish restaurant from the 1970s. But you were confident that with the right equipment and skilled workers, you could make the fixer-upper a home.
We are here to tell you we believe in your dream. Below are a few aspects of your new purchase that you should have looked over by general contractors before embarking on your home building project. With your own DIY skills and a few dedicated professionals to help you along the way, we are confident the fish restaurant will look new in no time:
1. Ponder The Plumbing
Now that you’ve purchased your future dream home it’s time to get to know it, warts and all. Often, the biggest problem with old homes lies with the plumbing, and if you’re not terribly experienced it’s best to research affordable plumbing services in your area. Some things to look out for are old or corroding pipes, noisy pipes, obvious leaks, funny noises coming from the toilet, evidence of damp or mold around valves, and a full cesspool. It’s best to budget for affordable plumbing services before purchasing a home so that the work needed won’t come as a blow to your wallet. An affordable plumbing services contractor will also be able to inform you about any new plumbing bylaws in your area and get your home up to code.
2. Hack Into The Heating
It is very important that you understand how your home is heated and to update this system as necessary. A good place to start is to figure out whether or not it comes equipped with an air furnace or a boiler. Furnaces are cheaper and last 20 years on average but require a lot of maintenance and circulate a dry, windy heat as well as allergens throughout the home. Boilers are more expensive but require less long term work, circulate an even, allergen-free heat, and can last up to 30 years. It is extremely important to have the efficiency of whatever system is installed assessed, as an inefficient system is bad for the environment and your budget. Modern technology has brought fuel efficiency up to 98.5% in some heating systems, and while they would be expensive up front, heating and cooling accounts for 48% of energy use in the average home–meaning the up-to-date boiler or furnace could pay for itself in no time.
3. Succor The Structure
Does the roof sag? When you look from across the street, does your house tilt like the leaning tower of Pisa towards the curb? Do there seem to be an excessive amount of cracks in the wall, even for your shabby-chic aesthetic? Is any wood discolored or squishy to the touch? Do you need Thor’s strength and destiny to pull open every window and door? These are all at-a-glance ways to tell what’s off about your beleaguered fixer-upper. Run a full diagnostic and then consult with a trusted home and building professional about the severity of any problems.
You got this. We can feel it. Be sure to comment below with before and after shots of your home. They are an inspiration to us all.