Well water filtration systems were originally designed as water purification devices for houses that used hard water from wells, but have since become vital parts of saving the environment. Here’s how.
Water Filtration Systems Directly Reduce the Amount of Pollution in the World.
Did you know that only one in five water bottles are recycled? The other 80% of plastic water bottles create 3 billion pounds of waste — garbage which will sit in landfills for more than 1,000 years. U.S. landfills are are actually already overflowing with more than 2 million tons of plastic water bottles. With a water filtration system, a home will no longer need to depend on these plastic bottles, and can stop tossing them into the environment.
Water Filtration Systems Can Reduce the Amount of Oil Used.
Believe it or not, the bottled water industry uses about 17 million barrels of oil to produce bottled water each year. To put that into context, that’s enough oil to fuel 1,000,000 cars for an entire year. When a home doesn’t need plastic water bottles anymore thanks to its water filtration system, it stops supporting an industry that sucks up oil.
Water Filtration Systems Also Save a Lot of Money.
Lastly, water filtration systems are simply more cost efficient. Though it does cost a bit to have a system installed, it saves a ton of money in the long run. In fact, it’s estimated that a home can save about $1,000 a year over the cost of home water delivery. For many, that’s the only bottom line they need to know about.
Well water filter systems not only provide homes with drinkable water, they also help make society a bit more sustainable. If you have any questions about the environmental benefits of water filtration systems, feel free to share in the comments.