Three Reasons to Consider the Design-Build Method in Your New Home Construction Plans

New home construction plans

Did you know, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average home costs $272,000? It is likely to be the single most expensive thing any American buys in their lifetime. For that reason, you should be sure what you are putting your money into is a quality, reputable business that gets you what you want. Your best choice is a custom home builder specializing in the design-build method of construction. Here’s why.

  • Saves Money
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    As aforementioned, home building costs and home purchasing costs can be absolutely enormous. For most Americans, a mortgage will be a lifelong burden that they will have to carefully plan for. It makes sense to do whatever you can to reduce your costs.

    The traditional form of new home building has designers and home construction companies completely separate. The designer makes your new home construction plans and the contractor builds from those plans. The problem is that there is a disconnect in communication. By utilizing the design-build method for your new home construction plans, you avoid that break in communication that equals a waste of materials. As Business Insider writes, the misuse of materials is one of the biggest challenges new homeowners face in saving money.

  • Saves Time
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    The design-build process allows your new home to be designed while simultaneously being built. This overlap of these two crucial processes equals a huge reduction in the build time of your new dream home. For this reason, over 40% of new construction projects for non-residential buildings in 2010 used this method, according to a 2011 study. Businesses understand the value in quick, efficient builds. Why not utilize the same methods in your new home construction plans?

  • Highly Customizable
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    Did you know that custom home builders usually work on a smaller volume of homes? This means that they can spend a lot more time making your new home construction plans exactly the way you want them. Imagine if you were to get a boxed home that you see in so many residential communities. All of the plugs, bathrooms, and windows are in the same place. The problem? You want them in more convenient places that better fit your lifestyle. By using a custom builder for your new home construction plans, you can have all the plugs, outlets, and cable drops where you want them.

Whether you are a veteran home owner going on your fifth house or a neophyte looking for that perfect first nest for your family, utilizing custom builders for your new home construction plans just makes sense. You can save time, save money, and make sure you get exactly what you want. What could be better? Check out this site for more.

18 thoughts on “Three Reasons to Consider the Design-Build Method in Your New Home Construction Plans

  1. Thank Odin’s beard people are finally talking about custom builders after years of the carbon-copied monstrosities. Why not make something unique?

  2. Thank Odin’s beard people are finally talking about custom builders after years of the carbon-copied monstrosities. Why not make something unique?

  3. Thank Odin’s beard people are finally talking about custom builders after years of the carbon-copied monstrosities. Why not make something unique?

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