Improve Security for Your Commercial Property with New Doors and Rolling Security Shutters

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Has your business or other commercial property ever been broken into? If so, you’re not alone: thousands of buildings have their doors and windows broken or smashed every year in the United States. Fortunately, however, there is a solution: getting new, more secure doors and windows to prevent burglars from getting in. In fact, some of these commercial windows and doors are much safer than others. Whether you need doors and windows for schools, churches, shops, restaurants, or other sites, there are plenty of security features you can use. Check out some of these safety improvements you can make to your building below.

    1. New aluminum windows and doors: While some business owners may be wary of having glass doors along their storefronts, these types of doors are actually very safe. The glass is often reinforced to thwart break-ins and even prevent bullets from penetrating them. For businesses that need more protection, however, steel doors are great for emergency exits and other parts of the building.

    2. Automatic opening doors: Another way to keep your business safe is to use automatic door systems. Because these doors use power, they can also allow you to control when they are open or closed more easily. Automatic sliding glass doors and automatic swing doors are also safe for customers to enter and exit through, so they can potentially limit liability on your property.

    3. Rolling security shutters: Sometimes call roll up security shutters, these rolling security shutters are aluminum doors or grates that fold down over a storefront or your windows and doors. Their purpose is to prevent glass windows from getting broken. Rolling security shutters are generally easy to use and can be powered or opened and locked with a padlock.

Have more questions about security for your business? Talk to a window and door installation service about your building’s options. You can also leave any general questions below for more details.

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