Did you know that the number of insurance claims related to water damage in Ontario has increased 136% in the last decade? That may sound like an astounding number of claims, but for people who deal with severe water damage, this is their reality.
If your basement leaks when it rains, or there are cracks in your foundation, you will likely experience water seeping into your basement. This can often lead to excess moisture and water in your home, which translates to mold growth if it is not taken care of.
A basement sump pump or French drain system can be effective in preventing flooding, but they are not as effective as interior or exterior basement waterproofing, as this can keep any amount of water out.
Actually, fixing cracks in the foundation will probably be an even better preventative measure. Even though house foundation repair costs can be steep, it will be worth the investment to keep your home safe from flooding and water damage.
But if you want to take a stab at it on your own, here’s what to do.
- Take a cloth and clean the area surrounding the crack so that you do not have extra debris to deal with when you seal the fissure. Experts say that if your crack is wider than 1/8 of an inch, you should try to chip away at any loose concrete that may be in your way.
- You should mix your sealant next, and be sure to turn it into a thinner, paste-like consistency, because this will make it easier to spread. Also mix the dry powder with latex instead of water, because it will be much stretchier, and adhere to the cracks better.
- Be sure to moisten the crack before spreading the paste over it so that the dryness of the concrete does not absorb most of the moisture from the paste itself. Then begin smoothing it over the crack, making sure to remove any excess amount of paste in order to achieve a more uniform look.
You can always invest in house foundation repair costs through a professional if the cracks are too large for you to handle. But why spend the money if you can do it yourself? More.