There is more to interior design than what meets the eye. What was once seen as a casual decorating hobby is now an industry with thousands of professionals — you can even major in interior design at some universities. Of course, most homeowners aren’t experts in interior design, and some don’t even care much about it. But if you’re a homeowner, you should be concerned about your home’s interior design. Interior design doesn’t just enhance the look of your home — it can also add a lot of value to a house. Even if you don’t anticipate your home going on the market anytime soon, you should still make sure that your house has a value enhancing interior design. For one thing, you can never be sure about what the future will bring; even if you end up selling your home after ten years or more of ownership, keeping up to date on home design trends will mean that you have one less thing to worry about when it’s time to sell — and that your house will sell for a higher value. Of course, if you aren’t interested in home decor, you don’t have to be. That’s what professionals are for! Below, we’ll look into the world of value enhancing interior design, and how professional interior designers can help you update your home design with everything from unique accessories to exciting new lighting.
Why Should I Update My Home’s Interior Design?
We’ve already addressed the importance of value enhancing interior design if you want to put your home on the market, or even if you see yourself doing so in the distance future. But there is also a mental and emotional advantage to updating your home’s design. Unfortunately, a survey by HomeGoods indicated that 9% of Americans haven’t updated their home’s design in 10 years or more, while 47% haven’t updated their home’s interior design within five years. Additionally, another HomeGoods survey revealed that 14% of Americans actually feel gloomy and stressed thanks to their home furnishings. Additionally, just 20% of Americans feel happy with their furnishings, and just 2% believe that they have achieved their ultimate visions for their homes. If your home’s design is bringing you down, you shouldn’t hesitate to update it — and if you favor a more traditional home design, don’t feel like updating it means that you have to choose furnishings that you are uncomfortable with. Yes, a value enhancing interior design is important, but that could mean a number of different things depending on what you want.
Why Should I Hire Professional Interior Designers?
As previously mentioned, homeowners have plenty of interior designers to choose from, with the market booming now more than ever. Interior designers do have their own tastes, but as professionals they will work with yours and give you what you want — and it will be the best version of what you want. According to a recent Houzz survey, about one-thirds of people embarking on home renovation projects plan on hiring interior decorators. One of the reasons why people love hiring interior designers is that you can typically sit back and relax, helping when you want to but refraining from doing the hard work on your own. Most people, between work and their personal lives, don’t have time — or the inclination — to decorate their homes by themselves. Some people just want to avoid the stress of decorating their homes on their own. Finally, as with any project, it’s a good idea to have a professional opinion.
Where Can I Start With Interior Design?
When beginning renovations, it’s important to have a starting point. Think about colors that you like — while over a third of respondents to a 2017 survey indicated that they would use a neutral color palette in their home, you don’t have to. Consider also the different types of lighting you might like, and the type of furniture that you favor. The more you can tell your designer, the sooner the renovation will be completed.