There is no doubting the fact that homes, like just about anything and everything else, can begin to show some signs of wear and tear after a certain number of years. From water stains on the walls to cracks in the paint, many of these problems are quite cosmetic in nature. Once a leak has been stopped, water stains aren’t really harmful if the structural damage has been fixed – but water stains tend to be far from physically appealing. In addition to water stains, other imperfections in paint – even just that of dirt, really – can be hugely damaging to the overall aesthetic quality of any given home.
For many people (many home owners, for that matter) all throughout the country, covering up water stains and other dirt and damages with a fresh coat of paint is likely to be the best solution out there. After all, water stains will not be too difficult to cover up, and once the perfect paint has been applied, it will be hard to know that said water stains were ever even there in the first place. When it comes to covering up water stains, you’ll want to pick a color (and likely include a wall primer in your painting) that is able to do it, but you also want to pick the right color for your home as well.
For many people, these colors will fall firmly within the category of neutral tones. Long popular, neutral tones have been on the rise among home owners all throughout the United States over the course of recent years. In fact, data shows that up to one third of all home owners have stated that they would choose a neutral tone or a number of such neutral tones, were they to decide to repaint their homes (as many will ultimately decide to do, water stains or not). For those who are looking to sell their homes, repainting can also be a great way to update the home, and to keep it feeling fresh for all of the prospective buyers who consider it.
For this purpose, painting the bathroom (or multiple bathrooms, for that matter) a shade of blue can be hugely beneficial if it is done before the home in question is placed on the market. After all, even just painting a bathroom blue can, for some reason, get the house to sell for up to $5,400 more than what was expected. For many people, this is more than worth the cost of painting a bathroom (as bathrooms tend not to be too big to begin with, and the cost of having them painted or painting them yourself tends to be relatively low, all things considered).
Though there are many reasons to paint, from getting a house ready to be placed on the market to covering up old and unsightly water stains from years passed, taking the time to pick out the right kind of paint is the most important decision of all that will need to be made. For many people, the risk of volatile organic compounds, often present in paints, is higher than they realize. In fact, even just 500 ppb of these VOCs can be detrimental to an adult with chemical sensitivities.
Fortunately, low VOC paint has become more commonplace than ever before. This low VOC paint is also low odor, making it ideal for just about any given home or even really any given place of business here in the United States. When paints have no volatile organic compounds or are very low in them, the risk that they pose to everyone in the household will be greatly decreased. But what is this risk, really? What can these volatile organic compounds really do?
In children, high concentrations of these VOCs, typically found in paint, can cause everything from allergies to asthma – or can seriously exacerbate an already existing problem. Even adults can develop cognitive fuzziness and concerns like breathing issues. While the research on the exact harm of volatile organic compounds is not yet as thorough as one would like, the research that has been done is enough to serve as a warning.