You and your youngest daughter are both counting down the days until her high school graduation. And while she is counting down the number of days that she has to be in class, you are counting down the number of days that you have to finish all of the tasks that need to be completed around the house. On the top of your list is contacting someone about an immediate dishwasher repair so you can get back to checking other items off your list like making mints for the party and cooking meat for the sandwiches you plan to serve. The dishwasher repair is very important because you want to be able to make as many things a possible ahead of time, but you do not want to be doing the dishes by hand.
Whether you are looking for someone for dishwasher repair or for stovetop or oven repairs it is important to find the most qualified repair person who is available. Making sure that the person you hire is both certified and bonded can help you complete the tasks that you need done without any complications.
Major household appliances are a major investment for all home owners, so it is important that when something goes wrong you find the right repair person. Better yet, a growing number of home owners are working with a repair company and purchasing a service contract that includes regular checkups and covers many of the repair costs that would normally be charged to the customer.
Although there is some real truth to the saying that they do not make appliances like they used to, there are still many refrigerator repairs, washing machine repairs, and other repairs that are worth the money. Especially if you invest in a service contract that covers the cost of labor, repairing one of your major household appliances is far less expensive than buying something new.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the typical life of the appliances that so many Americans use in their homes and the impact that these sales and repairs have on the nation’s economy:
- Research indicates that 36% of side-by-side refrigerator and freezers with icemakers break within three to four years.
- Estimates show that 28% of refrigerators with bottom or top freezers with icemakers break within three to four years.
- Purchasing a dishwasher is a fairly major investment because studies show that it should last nine years before you have to think about replacing it.
- An increasing number of studies show that a washing machine should last 10 years before you have to think about replacing it.
- Insted of immediately buying a new appliance when something goes wrong, it often makes sense to have a reputable repair service look at it.
- Research also show that a refrigerator should last 13 years before a home owner should have to think about replacing it.
The next time that you need to get REPAIR work done it is important to make sure that you are working with a licensed professional so that you get the best results.