You know where you live. You also know what the weather is like in your area. You might experience severe weather often or you might not get much in the way of Mother Nature’s rath. Either way, if you are building a home or already have one that needs siding, what type of siding is right for your home is not a decision that should be made lightly.
There are several different types of siding you can choose from. Most of the material is designed to give your home a degree of protection from the elements but don’t be fooled into thinking that one material is as good as the next.
If you are in need of quality weather resistant siding, for example, you will want to choose a material that can stand up to the rain, sleet, snow, heavy rain and hail, and anything else it might come up against. Most materials are made to withstand up to 110 mph winds. Some can do even better than that.
Vinyl siding has been around since the 1960s and, as of 2014, is still the most commonly used material for siding on single-family homes. Many brands come with a warranty and siding installation does not take very long to complete. What’s more, it is typically about 25% less costly than many types of wooden siding. On the downside, any small repairs can turn into big repairs because often whole sections need to be repaired or replaced when only a small portion gets damaged.
If you are in need of weather resistant siding, you might want to consider fiber cement siding. This type of siding is made up of wood fibers that are mixed with sand and cement. Unlike vinyl siding, you can paint fiber cement siding and expect the paint to last for quite some time. The stability of the fibers allows the paint to last longer than on regular wood siding because the fibers do not expand and contract the way true wood does. This weather resistant siding is perfect if you need extra protection against the elements.
In addition to weather-related considerations, you might also want to take into account other factors that may be problematic in your area. If you live in an area that has termite trouble, for example, you will want to stay away from wood siding, for obvious reasons. If that is the case, vinyl or fiber cement siding might be your best options.
If, however, you do not have termites and your weather is favorable, check out some of the beautiful wooden siding options your siding dealer has to offer. Most local dealers will know your area and will be able to advise you on what type of siding will be best for your home.
Obviously, your goal will be to find the best siding at the best price for you. Make sure when you are shopping that you take into consideration your weather, your termite or other pest possibilities, and what kind of maintenance you are prepared to do once it is installed.
Siding is a brilliant thing when chosen wisely. It can make your home look beautiful and protect you from the elements. If chosen poorly, your siding could end up costing you a great deal of money in repairs or replacements. Choose wisely and be happy!