Selling a home is a lot easier said than done. Though the market is good right now, it still can be difficult to catch people’s attention when they’re surrounded by a sea of homes for sale. While it’s one thing to have a brochure listing all of the good things about your home, it’s another thing entirely to actually make your home look more appealing. Sure, you can have your house looking great on the inside — but you need people to want to go inside the house first. What can make a huge difference in this regard is landscaping. Landscaping is something that many of us don’t take into account when we’re actually living in a home. As long as your lawn looks nice, you might be content. But it can make a huge difference for potential buyers. As you’ll discover below, taking a little bit of lawn repair advice can from landscaping contractors can go a long way. And if you’re willing to make an investment in certain landscaping ideas, you’ll find that the return is huge — according to Money Magazine, the recovery value at selling time can be between 100% and 200%. In the grand scheme of things, most landscaping services are not that expensive. But potential buyers are willing to pay much more for a home if they see that it’s well cared for and has the features that they want. Below, we’ll into some of the top ways you can make your home more appealing on the market through landscape ideas.
1. Buy Plants
A basic bit of lawn repair advice that many landscape contractors will give you is to simply buy some plants. Not only can new plants cover up some barer parts of your lawn — but in many cases, the right plants will add fertility to your lawn and encourage new growth. For that matter, plants add a sense of lushness to your outdoor areas, and make it seem more inviting — especially if they include beautiful flowers. But with that being said, there are certain things to avoid when buying plants. For one thing, make sure that the plants you’re buying play well together; certain plants don’t foster growth and can in fact make your lawn look worse in the long term. It’s also advisable to avoid buying plants in full bloom — they’ve been in their pots for too long. The best thing to do is group your plants in accordance to their water requirements — and if they start to wilt, simply adjust. When doubt, ask that same professional you’ve been asking for lawn repair advice!
2. Emphasize The Benefits To Buyers
You should make sure that potential buyers are aware of the practical benefits of your newly revamped lawn. You might not even know some of them yourself — which is why it’s good to talk to a professional. Those plants you chose, for example, can lower heating and cooling bills by up to 20%. For that matter, a well-maintained and landscaped lawn can reduce a person’s risk of being exposed to allergens. That is especially important to stress, as certain buyers will admire a beautiful landscape but worry about whether or not it will aggravate their allergies. In fact, a good landscaping job will do just the opposite. If you yourself notice allergen issues with your lawn, this is another thing that a lawn repair advice expert can help you fix.
3. Consider Outdoor Features
Certain features can really change the value of your home. Choosing the right outdoor lighting can really make a difference and make your home look not only beautiful, but cutting edge. You may also want to consider features like a waterfall. Even if it’s not exactly to your personal taste, you should take these things into account — after all, you are trying to sell your home.