If you own a home, then you understand the never ending renovations and updates that are required. Homes require a lot of upkeep and home improvement, and if you don?t keep up with them, then you can get overwhelmed and everything catches up to you. One of the most popular home improvements is that of flooring. Flooring needs and trends tend to change quite a bit. What was once in style is likely no longer in style. This can greatly affect the resale value of the home. Also, flooring can become damaged and worn out after many years of usage. A home?s flooring needs to be updated and replaced when the floor material is no longer serving its purpose.
There are many different flooring options available to homeowners. A homeowner can choose carpeting, vinyl tile flooring, hardwood floors and even laminate floors. Each type of material has a benefit, depending on the type of floor it is being used in. For example, a bathroom or a kitchen shouldn?t be remodeled and replaced with carpeting. These are high traffic areas that are likely to have spills and even minor flooding, which could quickly ruin a carpet. Laminate is a great option for these types of flooring.
Laminate is also a popular option for basement flooring. Basements also may be prone to flooding since they are under the ground level. Carpeting is often not a good idea for this type of a home remodel. The laminate flooring provides a clean and great looking flooring option. It also has the ability to be wiped up and mopped in the event of spilling or basement flooding.
Laminate flooring is a popular option because of its versatility. Although over half (54%) of future buyers say that they are willing to pay more for a home with hardwood floors, homes are often not available with this option. Installing or resurfacing a hardwood floor can also be a timely and a costly process. Laminate flooring can be made to look similar to real hardwood floors, which is one of their selling points. In fact, the United States is expected to import 1.9 billion square meters of laminate flooring by 2017. Homeowners are finding it difficult to turn down this alternative when they find out how great it looks and how cost affordable it is.
A surprising 35% of remodeling jobs involved the whole home (i.e. whole home renovations). Many homeowners prefer to complete all of the needed renovations and remodels prior to moving in, if possible. When time is tight, such as it often is in whole home remodels, laminate flooring offers a quick and easy process for installing flooring. The installation of carpeting and of hardwood floors can take much more time, making it difficult for whole home remodels.
Laminate flooring offers homeowners with many benefits, including cost friendly, a great look, ease of installation, quick installation and much more waterproof than carpeting or hardwood floors. Flooring is one of the most popular remodel jobs, and as homeowners learn about all of the benefits that laminate flooring as to offer, the demand and the widespread usage of it will only increase. Hundreds of thousands of homeowners are already removing their worn out carpets and then replacing it with beautiful looking laminate floors.