When the wind wakes you up in the middle of the night you know that it is going to be another one of those storms. The kind of storm that produces 119 mile per hour (mph) gusts that knock out power to a million people in a Washington state metropolitan area in November of 2015. The kind of storm that mixes the Santa Ana Winds with the dry condition of southern California to produce fires in October of 2015. And, unfortunately, closer to home, the kind of winds that gusted to 86 mph in a stretch of storms that extended from Phillipsburg, Kansas, to Omaha, Nebraska, damaging and destroying roofs throughout the two state region in June of 2014.
When these kinds of storms hit large areas, both insurance adjusters and roofing contractors from across the nation descend upon the devastated areas in an attempt to cash in on as much business as possible. While some of these traveling adjusters and contractors are offering a great service, others are in for the quick jobs, the quick cash, and the quick departure.
If you have suffered roof damage from a recent storm it is important that you ask yourself what you should be looking for in the contractor you hire to make the repairs. Are you simply looking for the quickest repair in a frustrating situation, or are you looking for a quality roof repair that comes with supportive customer service and the option of being environmentally responsible at the same time?
Residential roofers can work fast and furious and leave a mess that you will be dealing with for months in the form of trash in your yard and staples and nails scattered across the lawn, driveway, and sidewalks. Or, residential roofing contractors can take the time to clean up as the job progresses, and even conduct a magnetic sweep for nails and staples when the job is finished.
In addition to being responsible contractors who leave work sites better than they found them, the best residential roofing construction teams also offer environmentally responsible roofing products. Roofs that come with the ENERGY STAR rating, for instance, can reduce the need for excessive amounts of air conditioning, leading to as much as a 10% to 15% reduction of energy during the peak cooling demand periods.
The coolest roofing options, in fact, can reflect as much as 65% of the sun’s energy and heat, resulting in a 35% or less heat retention. Who knew that by simply making the choice to use the most energy efficient roofing materials, you could actually reduce your home energy costs by as much as 35%?
The next time you find yourself awake at 4:00 am as 80 mile an hour wind gusts pull the aging shingles from your roof, you do not have to spend the rest of the time fitfully sleeping through nightmares about expensive residential roofing repairs. Instead, turn this bad dream of an insurance claim into an energy efficient dream roof repair that will pay you back in energy savings for years to come.