When it comes to any customary piping system, one of the first ways to improve the quality of the pipes involves installing new brass compression fittings; these valves and fittings can be retrieved from a brass fittings manufacturer, as well as most major piping industries. During the day to day of every business, brass compression fittings are what keep company pipes running efficiently, with no discernable leaks or waste to work with. Brass fittings are sturdy enough to sustain pipe performance, so they’re useful solutions to be aware of.
Nowadays, 90% of brass alloys are recycled, so brass fittings are meant to be used, and eventually replaced or restored. In fact, because modern brass is comprised of 33% zinc and 67% copper, brass compression fittings can mesh with most elements. It’s always best to incorporate materials that can be used in many ways, because that’s how you make the most of your money. Indeed, because brass is such an adaptable material, in most cases, a solid brass fitting can help seal any kind of pipe system. Depending on the system itself, some brass fittings are more suitable than others.
Markedly, because brass is such a common material, one has to wonder, “Where are these valves and fittings being overlooked?
Brass compression fittings can benefit businesses concerned with mass pipe laying, such as the pipe systems related to beverage distributors, heating and cooling departments, or even industries in the medical field. Basically, anywhere there’s a big building filled with pipe systems, more often than not, it’s brass compression fittings that are keeping the pipes functioning properly.
In effect, brass pipe fitting is absolutely essential to maintaining the interior functions of an establishment. Without the right equipment, business can suffer major losses! If one bad pipe explodes, it could potentially damage the other pipes and system supplies. It doesn’t take much to ruin a good thing…
For instance, a simple 1/8 inch crack in a pipe can leak up to 250 gallons of water, every day; gradually, this leads to flooding, which compromises the integrity of the building’s foundation. Water leaks can corrode other adjacent pipe systems, so you could have a real problem, real quick. As a matter of fact, leaks that go untreated act as an immediate trigger for mold and other structural deterioration. If you don’t act accordingly, you could jeopardize some serious income!
Ultimately, are you willing to risk it all?
Don’t be responsible for your business being ruined. Instead, be smart: stock up on what you need, and then secure your system, today!