Many people do not know exactly why buildings need gutters. However, the truth is that gutters are very important. They divert water away from your building so that it does not end up pooling around the base and potentially damaging the foundation. Water damage can be very devastating to a building, as it can weaken the foundation and make mold problems much more likely. This is why buildings need gutters that function well at all times.
Even if you are completely unfamiliar with gutters, you might eventually find yourself in need of gutter installation services. It is possible that you might have many questions about gutters and what you should do if you need these services. For example, you might wonder, what should I know about aluminum gutters and downspouts? Are aluminum gutters better than vinyl ones? Are gutters really necessary? What is the average cost for leaf guard gutters? If you call a gutter installation professional, they should be able to help you out with some of these questions. If you are not able to get the answer from a professional, you might be better off doing the research on your own and seeing what the situation is in your area.

Roof gutters and downspouts are more crucial than many homeowners think, and when something goes wrong with them, they can result in high roofing repair costs and even damage that goes as deep as the basement.
Different types of roof gutters face different challenges, but almost all of them are at risk from debris accumulation. Especially in spring and fall, leaves and other organic matter can gather in your gutters and downspouts. These can decompose over time into a solid sheet that clogs gutters and restricts drainage, sometimes blocking downspouts entirely.
Enough debris build-up can cause water to cascade over the edge of your gutters instead of through them. This can be unpleasant for anyone standing below them but it also allows water to seep under your shingles and create leaks that can travel all the way down to your basement. It can also increase the rate of roof decay. You can find out if a roof is leaking by checking the attic for moisture or musty smells, and you can check your roof for curling shingles or missing granules.
Water damage isn’t the only concern. Excess debris can also become a fire hazard if it has time to dry out, especially in areas prone to high wind and wildfires. Clogged roof gutters and downspouts can also encourage mold growth, soil erosion and dry-rot. Your doors, windows and siding may take damage from clogged gutters as well.
Cleaning roof gutters should be an essential component to anyone’s home maintenance plan, along with regularly cleaning downspouts. This can prevent debris build up and save you from more expensive repairs later on.
If you do clean your roof gutters and downspouts, it’s important not to damage them on accident. Leaning ladders against them may compromise their integrity. Gutters can also be damaged by rust, ice, pests, storms and tree damage. Keep an eye on your gutters. Make sure they’re always in good condition and replace them if they’re not. Average aluminum gutters should be replaced every 20-30 years, and steel gutters should be replaced ever 20 years. Copper gutters may last up to 50 years.
Don’t let your roof gutters and downspouts fall to the wayside. If you’re unable to get to them yourself, contact a residential roofing company for help. Experts recommend having your roof inspected professionally at least once a year. Find out more about this topic here: www.rocksroofinginc.com