When it comes to implementing a home improvement remodeling project, there are a number of steps you likely want to take before you can start looking to buy home products online or in discount furniture stores. Unfortunately, remodeling is far from easy: you can expect to spill paint, scratch wood floors, and experience a dozen other common DIY blunders before your work is finished. However, there are a number of smart, easy tips to help you get through your project in one piece. Read on to find out if any of these tips can help you create the home you want to live in!
Plan Out Your Project First
Know exactly what you want to do with your home before you begin your project; this can prevent numerous difficulties later on. Pick out paint colors, look at home furnishings on online home stores, even figure out where you want to put the TV when you’re done. You can change your mind as the work goes on, but having a game plan from the beginning gives you a goal to work towards at the very least.
Tint Your Primer
You may have tinted paint before, but what about your primer? By using primer that is the same color you intend to use for your finishing color, you can cut your work down from three coats of paint to two.
Prep Your Screws
If you’re driving screws into hardwood boards, coat your screws with wax or soap. This will keep them from stripping the hole.
How’s Your Hammer?
Did you know that sanding the head of a hammer before using it can help it grip the nail and prevent the nail head from slipping? Make your project easier by trying it before your next task.
Cover Holes
To fill a nail or screw hole in drywall, first take a screwdriver with a rounded end on its handle and press this end into the hole. This will create a divot you can then cover with spackle or drywall, creating a smooth service instead of a noticeable cover-up.
These home improvement tips should help your project progress smoothly, letting you finish your tasks and get to looking at home furnishings and decorations that much faster. Whether you buy home products online or in person, you can be sure that your end result will be a home you’ll love to live in!
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