How to Choose a Location for Standby Home Generator Installation

Most homes today have backup generators considering the many benefits of having one. While choosing the location for backup generators is rather straightforward, there are a few factors that should be taken into consideration before the installation is done. In most cases, you need to hire a professional generator installer since generator installation requires a certain degree of expertise. Before you even begin installing whole house generators or an emergency generator, consult the local building code authority and get the necessary approvals and permit. Getting a permit is important and vary from one state to the other. However, the local building code authority has the final say on whether the installation will be approved. After the approvals, identify a good location that enables the equipment to operate effectively without putting the life of those in the house at risk. When installing st

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4 Effective Ways to Prepare for a Power Outage

It’s understandable to fear losing power inside of your home or business. In certain situations, power outages take place after storms hit a certain area. Other times these outages occur due to power grids failing. Federal data shows that the United States electric grid loses power 285% more often than it did during the mid 80s. This was when experts began collecting nationwide blackout data. One study found that, during the first six months of 2014, over 130 reported grid outages took place. With that in mind, it’s important to learn what to do after a power outage happens. These events can last hours, if not days or weeks. Therefore, it’s a good idea to prepare yourself for this type of event. Here are four important tips to prepare for a power outage.

  1. Ensure You Have Plenty of Water

    Unfortunately, not all power outages are brief events. Serious outages often impact a city’s water and electricity supplies. To prepare for longer outages, it’s wise to

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A Power Outage Can Strike At Any Time Using A Generator Size Calculator To Protect Your Home

You’re having a relaxing evening at home. You’re getting the rest of your work done so you can wind down the last few hours with some Netflix or time with your family.

Then the power in your house suddenly goes out. It’s a mad scramble to figure out the source of the power outage and reverse it. You have food in the fridge you’re afraid to see spoil. You’re worried about your electronics being damaged, but most of all, you’re concerned about your family’s safety. This is a common scenario that is easily prevented with the aid of a generator installation.

How do you figure out which whole house generators are best for you? This is where the generator size calculator comes in.

Did You Know?

The problem of power outages is not something that can be ignored, whether you’re a homeowner or a businessowner. Recent estimates have determined power outages are costing American businesses a staggering $150 billion per year and only getting wor

Read moreA Power Outage Can Strike At Any Time Using A Generator Size Calculator To Protect Your Home

How To Pick the Right Generator For Your Household Needs

Whether you’re dealing with severe thunderstorms, natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes or even an overworked electrical grid, there’s a lot of ways you can lose power in your home and there’s no telling when it might go out. In the first six months of 2014, there were 130 reported grid outages. Additionally, power outages are costing American businesses as much as $150 billion per year, the DOE reported, with weather-related disruptions costing the most per event.

When and if that happens, you want to make sure you’ve got a way to get power. A good way to do this is by getting a home generator. There are many types of generators available and it’s important to know the differences in them to figure out which one best fits your needs.

To determine the size of the generator needed, total the rated watts of the appliances and fixtures you will want to operate during an outage. Some loads are easy to determine—a 100-watt light bulb, for example, uses 100 watts. Te

Read moreHow To Pick the Right Generator For Your Household Needs

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