From retaining wall installation to adding to your garden, renovating landscape design is becoming more and more common for homeowners across the country. There are many reasons to invest in landscaping, from wanting to enjoy your outdoor space more to increasing the overall value of your home. In fact, if you were to ever put your home on the market, quality landscaping could increase the resale value of your home by up to fifteen percent. The implementation of landscaping has even been shown to decrease overall the amount of time that your home is on the market, with the majority of homes with landscaping selling within as little as six weeks. In fact, landscaping is so instrumental to the selling of a home that more than 85% of all realtors in the United States recommend landscaping renovations to those who are looking to put their homes on the market. Landscape design ideas can range from any number of things, from retaining wall installation to the addition for a built in fire pit, but what each home will include in their landscaping varies from household to household.
In addition to a retaining wall installation and other landscaping design choices, homeowners should also consider the addition of trees to their yards, if space allows. The addition of trees can have several positive effects, aside from being aesthetically pleasing and adding resale value. For instance, trees have an immensely positive impact on the environment. Just by planting one tree, you can help to remove up to 26 pounds of carbon dioxide from the environment every year – equivalent to over 10,000 pounds of car exhaust and fumes. Adding other plants, such as shrubbery and turf, can also have a positive impact, as they help to remove smoke and dust from the air, as well as other pollutants. Another benefit of planting a tree (or more than just one) is the shade that trees provide once they grow tall enough. If you plant a tree close enough to your house, the shade it provides is actually able to reduce your air conditioning costs in the summer by up to 25% – one quarter. They can also reduce heating costs in the winter by as much as 10% as well, as trees can help to shield your home from the often bitterly cold winter wind.
There are many reasons to add landscaping to your outdoor spaces, such as increasing the resale value of your home or helping the environment, but one of the main reasons that people choose to update their landscaping and take on projects such as retaining wall installation is simply for the purpose of increasing their enjoyment of their outdoor spaces. After all, more than eighty percent of all Americans think that having a yard is important and, of those people in the United States who have yards, nearly all of them agree that having a well-maintained yard is crucial. A whopping three quarters of all people in the United States find spending time outside, particularly time spent in their yards and outdoor spaces, to be important, and having a well maintained lawn and yard can help to facilitate this. From retaining wall installation to planting a tree to updating your garden, there are countless landscape design choices that you can make in order to make your yard a place that you want to spend time in.