Do you even know where you food comes from? Sure, you can purchase food at the supermarket but where did it come from before? How long did it take to get to the store, and how was it shipped there? Who harvested it, and were they adequately compensated for doing so? Was the farm even in the United States? What kind of seeds were used? Furthermore, how many chemical pesticides were sprayed put into the soil and sprayed on the crop? Better yet, were the seeds — or animals — genetically modified in order to yield a greater harvest?
These are questions you and every American should be asking themselves, because there is an epidemic occurring right here, right now, and right on your dinner table. That epidemic is genetically modified food.
Genetically modified organisms, commonly referred to simply as GMO’s, include animals and foods that have been modified using strains of bacteria DNA in order to achieve a desired result, whether it be increased milk or meat production, resistance to pests, or larger harvests. Sounds good, right?
A growing body of research is painting a much different — and unhealthier — picture than that of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and agriculture corporations such as Monsanto. Research has strongly suggested that consuming large quantities of GMO food over long periods of time can lead to a whole slew of health problems, including chronic diseases such as cancer and even infertility. The problem? It’s almost impossible to avoid genetically modified ingredients such as corn syrup and soybean oil, which is in the majority of foods.
The solution? Grow your own food.
What started as a urban movement has spread across the United States, with urban and suburban families converting their backyards and patio spaces into full fledged gardens. This allows families to not only save money on produce, but it also allows them to create a stronger relationship with nature while controlling how their food is grown and harvested and what’s put into it.
While the thought of growing your own food may seem intimidating, you don’t have to be a devoted gardener or an experienced home gardener to get started. Heck, you don’t even really need a lot — or any — heavy duty equipment such as a commercial garden hose. Heavy duty equipment like that is great, but it’s unnecessary for backyard and urban gardening.
All you need is some organic seeds, soil, water, some basic tools, and a positive attitude. Yeah, that’s pretty much it. Growing your own food can be an exciting and reward experience, and one that may also dramatically improve your health. Heavy duty pesticides have no place in the human body.