Many homeowners and landlords have to face the possibility of replacing their sewage pipes. It’s not the most pleasant thing in the world to think about but the fact remains that a house’s piping system is essential for a variety of (rather obvious) reasons. Piping experts recommend that sewage pipes older than 40 years should be inspected. It is around that time that sewage pipes fall into disrepair due to rusting, pressure, and general wear and tear that decades of operation can do.
Still, sometimes homeowners are reluctant to have their pipes replaced, even if they need to be. Why? Because under conventional pipe replacement methods, large trenches must be dug in a resident’s yard, front or back (if not both), in order to reach them. Sewage pipes are buried deep underground and until recently have been difficult to access. However, in the last 10 to 15 years, a new method has emerged that makes digging a trench unnecessary, preventing considerable damage to a homeowner’s property as well as reducing the amount of work and time necessary for sewer repair.
Trenchless sewer repair involves using existing pipes to guide new pipes in rather than replacing each of them piece by piece. Trenchless pipe lining are more flexible and maneuverable than traditional sewage pipes. Pipe specialists can insert the pipes into the old ones and draw it out to the other side and then inflate them to secure proper pressure. Sewer pipe lining saves considerable time and resources than the old method and it has been gaining popularity across the United States.
Though trenchless sewer repair can be more expensive the more traditional methods, in the end homeowners may wind up paying less considering the money they would save in the restorative work they no longer need done. For more information about trenchless sewer repair, feel free to leave a comment or question at the bottom.