When You Know There’s a LeakSomewhere

So, your water bill has doubled in the last six months? Or that nagging drip from the bathroom faucet wakes and keeps you up? Time for a leak repair. But where to begin?

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), Household leaks can waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water annually nationwide. That amounts to about 270 load of laundry each year in every household! Here are some common causes of, and reasons to seek leak repair and other common repairs provided by a plumber.

  • Leak detection.Some obvious areas where water leaks can occur include bathroom and kitchen sinks, exterior pipes and basement pipes. Most of these are detectable from floor puddles or stains, odors or evidence of water stains near the drains at the bases of bathtubs, bathroom sinks and toilets.
  • Hidden leaks from obvious sources of water.Read moreWhen You Know There’s a LeakSomewhere

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