This has not been a quite week.
At the beginning of the week, however, you were looking forward to morning coffees with several of your friends. Monday you were going to get to spend time with a friend from work where you retired three years ago; Tuesday was going to be with two mothers of your younger daughter’s best friends; and Thursday was going to be coffee with ladies from church.
Late Sunday night, however, all of those relaxing plans began to fall apart. Some leaky pipes that you were unaware of had caused a problem that eventually traveled from the second floor to the ceiling of the family room. It was lucky that you even noticed the problem when you did. The family was all in bed and you thought you heard something on the deck, so you had walked downstairs to investigate. In the process of checking that noise and discovering that things were okay, you walked into the family room to fold up a couple blankets that had been left out from the Sunday family movie night. On the way across the room to pick up the blankets you stepped in a wet spot on the carpet.
You flipped on the rest of the light switches in the room, examined the wet spot, looked up to the ceiling, and yelled for your husband. Within minutes he was down stairs, found the source of the problem, and was on the phone to an emergency plumber. He feared that the ceiling would fall if the problem was not immediately remedied. Shutting off the water, he worried, was not enough. He expected that the damage was already too great.
Emergency Plumbers Provide Necessary Services in Worst Case Scenarios
The rest of the week evolved into a life construction site. A process that required you to remain home overseeing several contractors. Once the emergency plumber found the cause of the problem he went to work. The residual damage to flooring of the second floor and the ceiling of the first floor, however, involved other contractors. Instead of morning coffees with your friends, you were faced with morning meetings with contractors and workers, and phone calls to home insurance representatives.
From the simplest of clogged drain services to the need for an emergency plumber, when water damage occurs the repercussions can be severe. In fact, any time a property owner lets a seen or unseen water issue go, the resulting problems multiply quickly. Consider these facts and figures about the many ways that an emergency plumber or a regular hours residential plumber might be of help:
- 10% of U.S. households have leaks in their plumbing that can waste as many as 90 gallons of water a day.
- One single leaky faucet dripping twice a minute will waste over one gallon of water in a week.
- Residential research indicates that sinks use two gallons of water every minute they are left running.
- Hiring a professional plumber to locate and repair small plumbing leaks can save more than 10 gallons of water every day.
- A running toilet can waste up to 200 gallons of water a day.
- The average family of four in America uses up to 400 gallons of water a day.
Water is a powerful resource in our lives. We use it for nourishing drinking water, we cook with it, we clean with it. Water, however, can also be powerfully destructive. Even the smallest of leaks, if left unchecked, can lead to a problem that is both extensive and expensive. Fortunately, there are many certified plumbers who are available to deal with these problems. Some property owners get themselves in trouble when they incorrectly assume that they can solve their own plumbing problems.
Similar to an iceberg, the majority of a plumbing problem can actually be unseen. You may, for instance, see a small drip that has been occurring under the sink. What you may not see, however, is an even bigger problem behind the drywall that is manifesting itself as the one small drip that you do see. Solving the visible problem and ignoring the hidden problem, of course, can be the source of a major problem. The small wet spot on the carpet leads to the bigger wet spot on the ceiling. which starts at a pipe leak that hidden in the upstairs drywall.