When it comes time to sell a home, many homeowners are not quite sure how to value their property correctly. They may have been in the property for many years and it may be of great sentimental value to them, but sentimental value does not necessarily translate to actual value when it is time to put it up on the market.
At the end of the day, a house is worth only what someone is willing to pay for it. If a homeowner wants to get the most money for their home when they sell it, they need to make sure that it is of better quality than other homes in the area that are like their home. If there are homes in the neighborhood that are very similar that have sold for a certain price, if a homeowner wants to get more money, then he might consider upgrading some features in the home to add more value to the property.
One easy way to do this is to redo some of the floorings along the way, upgrading the kitchen floors or some of the flooring in the living room spaces. Nine out of ten homeowners prefer hardwood flooring or tile in the kitchen area of a house. Even laminate flooring that looks and acts like hardwood flooring can boost the value of a home a great deal. Of course, it depends on what type of flooring is being replaced in the kitchen, to begin with, but if there is an old tile that is outdated and no longer functions well or looks good, a better quality flooring is definitely the way to go.
These days, laminate flooring can be a very good alternative to hardwood flooring. It can be much more cost effective and will last between 15 and 25 years. Especially in the kitchen where there is a great deal of traffic and a large number of spills, laminate flooring might be a good way to maintain the value of a home when it comes to putting a price tag on the property.
When it comes to flooring in the bedrooms of a home, many people still prefer carpeting. Having carpet under foot in the bedroom is preferred by many homeowners. It is more comfortable and cozy. IN a recent survey by Houzz, 38% of the people polled said that they were planning to carpet the master bedroom in their home.
Although there has been a trend in recent years toward hardwood flooring throughout a home, carpeting still holds more than half of the total flooring market in the United States. Carpet prices have maintained as quite affordable when they are compared to authentic hardwood floors, for example. Quality carpet is something that can add value to the sale price of a home, especially if that carpet has been installed recently. Better quality carpet and better quality floors, in general, are something that homebuyers notice and will pay a little bit extra for.
Nobody wants to pay full price for a home only to find that they have to redo the flooring in one or more of the rooms in their new house. When it comes to adding value to your home when it comes time to sell, taking a look at your floors and finding out how to add better quality flooring to your home just might give you the jump in value that you are looking for.
It might not take very much at all. Perhaps redoing one or two rooms in the highest trafficked rooms in your house with a better quality flooring will do the trick and get you the sale price you are looking for.