A vast majority of homeowners (88%) across all regions of the country see the exterior of their homes as one entity and not a sum of its separate components. While all aspects of home renovation are important, the foundation/external parts are among the most important. This is due to their protective aspects, as well as their visibility.
Even though most homeowners might not see it this way, two specific parts of the exterior are windows and roofing/siding. Here are a couple things to consider in regards to these two areas before you hire roofing contractors or invest in window repair parts.
Windows: They might not be the flashiest, or most exciting aspect of the house, but windows serve an important function. Not only do they allow outside airflow into the house during times when it’s warm, but also protect you from the harsher elements.
Unless your house is new, you could probably stand to update your windows. Window replacement has an average ROI of 78.6%, which is pretty good considering they’ll last you for quite some time. Especially if you’re in need of window repairs anyway, it’s probably wiser to invest in full-blown replacement. New storm windows are much more efficient at keeping warm air in/cold air out. Plus they’re just much easier to open and close.
Roofing: When it comes to roof repairs two factors play the biggest role in a homeowners decision: Durability and longevity. Durability was identified as the number one factor (by 88% of participants in a survey) when determining which new roof to purchase, followed closely by longevity (83%).
There are a variety of choices when it comes to material, but the most common are asphalt, metal, and clay/slate. Each has their own benefits and drawbacks, but asphalt is by far the most popular in the United States. That could be starting to change though as more and more people are discovering that in terms of the two most influential factors stated above, metal beats out asphalt in both. Asphalt tiles will typically last 15 to 20 years, whereas metal roofs can last 50 years or longer.
Whether you’re planning a new home maintenance project or just shopping around for ideas, keep these factors in mind the next time you plan to do renovations.