If you’re thinking of replacing your bathtub as part of your epic bathroom remodeling project, you may want to think again. Sure, replacing a bathtub may not seem like a big deal, but it kind of is. The sheer number of home improvement shows on TV make bathtub replacement look as easy as changing your t-shirt, however, professional bathtub installers would beg to differ.
The cost of purchasing a brand new, average bathtub typically hovers between $200 to $400. That doesn’t seem to bad, right? Unfortunately, this seemingly affordable figure is a far cry from the actual cost of installation, which can be upwards of a $1000 if not more. The cost of purchasing a new bathtub does not include the labor it takes for your bathtub installers to take out the old tub and put in the new. In addition, it doesn’t cover any of the proper disposal or landfill fees that come with getting rid of an old bathtub.
As with any home remodeling project, unforeseen experiences are likely to occur when you remove an old bathtub in order to install a new one. This is especially common in older houses where the electrical and plumbing systems are likely to be outdated. These systems may need to be updated or replaced entirely, which can easily drive up the cost of what was supposed to be a simple installation.
Bathtub refinishing, also commonly referred to as bathtub resurfacing is extremely cost effective alternative to replacing a bathtub that will yield very similar results. Rather than swapping out your old bathtub, you can restore it to a like new condition and in a color of your choice by refinishing it.
Not only does refinishing your bathtub cost significantly less — on average it costs as much as purchasing a new tub, including the labor to refinish it — but it also takes much less time to refinish a bathtub than it does to replace it. Simply put, it’s the easier, far more affordable route to go.
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