Real estate agents will give you lots of reasons why you should move to a location where they have property to show you. But it’s not necessarily the most impartial conversation you’ll ever have, being that real estate agents are trying to make a living… can’t fault them there. Arizona has gotten a bad rep in recent years, but there are many, many great things to be enjoyed and experienced there. Of course, should you like what we have to say, there are plenty of affordable homes for sale there – ranch homes for sale, single family homes for sale, luxury homes to buy – you name it. We’ve compiled a list of ten reasons to consider a move to Arizona that we feel rings true.
Sunny, dry days and delightfully cool evenings are standard. The average is more than 250 days each year with at least partial sunshine.
Arizona offers just the sort of majestic surroundings that your creative muse can use. Mountains, rocks, sunsets… there’s no shortage of natural beauty.
Arizona is a haven for outdoor sports – championship (or amateur) golf, fishing, hang gliding, and yes, even skiing and snowboaridng in certain parts of the state.
There’s plenty more to see in Arizona than just the Grand Canyon. Original old western settlements, caves and haunted hotels top off the list.
Arizona has been recently featured in Forbes magazine as one of the country’s five most entrepreneurial states. The population is educated and the taxes are low… you do the math.
Native American culture is alive and well in Arizona: Navajo, Apache and Hopi cultures still occupy territory there and their influence can be felt throughout the state.
Local crafts provide some of the most unique shopping in the West. But there’s also plenty of high-end shopping to be had in Scottsdale and other affluent areas.
Arizona hosts a number of larger arts events throughout the year, from the Sound Wave music fest to the Arizona Underground Film Festival.
There are tons of amazing, award-winning restaurants throughout Arizona serving everything from typical Southwestern fare to the latest international curiosities. Local specialties include prickly pear margaritas, alligator, cactus jelly, mesquite honey and various kinds of chimichangas.
No matter what your age, it’s worth noting that Americans have felt for many years that Arizona is a great state to retire to or in, just behind Florida. The high percentage of sunshine-laden days make it easier to take advantage of the free time in those later years.
If any of this strikes a chord with you, get in touch with any of the capable real estate agents from the area to help you find a place to call home in Arizona.
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